Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Democracy Player on SuSE 10.0

When I read news about availability of linux version of democracy player, I decided to try it. But unfortunately no SuSE packages or build instructions were available. But, after hours of hard work, I managed to install it on my x86_64 machine running SuSE linux 10.0. Here is what I did.
First I installed Pyrex. Since version 0.9.3 of Pyrex is buggy, I installed v0.9.4.1 by compiling from sources. I also installed mozilla-config from rpm using YaST. Then I installed boost from source (rpm I had, had some problems). To install boost, bjam is required, which fortunately was available as rpm, and I used YaST to install it. After installing bjam, I used the following procedure to install boost.
tar zxvf boost_1_33_0.tar.gz cd boost_1_33_0 export PYTHON_VERSION=2.4 export PYTHON_LIB_PATH=/usr/lib64/python2.4/ export PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/python2.4/ sudo bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" install
I then proceeded to install Democracy player from source. Democracy source must reside in directory named tv. Also libboost_python-gcc-mt-1_33.so.1.33.0 had to be manually linked to libboost_python.so. Since boost was installed in /usr/local/, I also had to set appropriate CPPFLAGS and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
tar zxvf Democracy-0.8.2-Source.tar.gz mv Democracy-Player-0.8.2/ tv cd tv/platform/gtk-x11/ export DEMOCRACY_RESOURCE_ROOT=/usr/share/democracy/resources/ export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/boost-1_33/" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PATH=/opt/mozilla/bin/:$PATH sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libboost_python-gcc-mt-1_33.so.1.33.0 /usr/local/lib/libboost_python.so python setup.py install --root=/

This installed Democracy player, but I still wasn't able to start it, because gtkmozembed was not available. I then had to compile gnome-python-extras-2.12.1 from source.
tar zxvf gnome-python-extras-2.12.1.tar.gz; cd gnome-python-extras-2.12.1 ./configure --prefix=/usr/ make sudo make install
Now to start Democracy Player, I need to
cd tv/platform/gtk-x11/ export DEMOCRACY_RESOURCE_ROOT=/usr/share/democracy/resources/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PATH=/opt/mozilla/bin/:$PATH python democracyplayer
After installation, I started Democracy and downloaded a few videos (which were saved to ~/Movies/Democracy/). While videos played fine, there was no sound. I tried playing videos with mplayer they worked fine. The problem was with xine, and I had to install xine from source again. After all this, Democracy is now working fine (except that it has loads of bugs and is very unstable).