Thursday, January 05, 2006


Subversion HOWTO

Recently I installed subversion with trac by compiling Apache and everything. I have written a howto explaining the process in detail.

a great help! thanks!
Indeed! Really usefull. But since you're so in the know about the svn/trac/apache combo, you might be able to help me out with a problem I'm struggling with:

I'm using svn over ssl/apache, with Trac on top. During the past couple of months, a really annoying behaviour has emerged with Trac. For my svn repos changes to become visible in the Trac repos browser, I have to restart Apache. Annoying...

Any idea what might be wrong?
@anon: no idea why the changes are not reflected immediately. i assume that browser/server are not caching anything (they shouldn't, at least not in the default setup).
Hm, strange... But thanks for ansering anyway :-)

-Frode (Norway)

BTW, there is a typo in trac setup:

trac-admin /...tracenv.../ permission list


trac-admin /...tracenv.../ permissions list
I cannot seem to keep non plain text passwords in password-db, and it does not seem to be advertised. I'm trying to obtain the password to add to the file with the perl snip you provided. Any hint?

PS: Glad to meet you again, after my summary cloud bookmarklet questions!
@xv: We are not storing passwords on our server in clear text. In fact we are using the same encryption mechanism as UNIX passwd file. We are using Apache httpd with mod_dav (and not svnserve) for hosting the repository.
I think your section "2. Subversion Using svnserve" is a bit misleading, where you say "Password can be in cleartext or encrypted using one of many encryption algorithms supported" when referring to the password file used by svnserve. As far as I know, svnserve requires that the passwords be in clear text, and doesn't support encryption. Apache with mod_dav should be able to use that password file with encrypted passwords fine, but I think the assumption made after reading section 2 is that you are using this password file with encrypted passwords and svnserve as the server.

If that's the case, then I would like to know more about how you have gotten this to work. However, if it's not the case, you might make that a bit more clear, so people like -xv and myself, who need to use svnserve but would like encrypted passwords, don't get false hope :)

Thanks for the guide, though. It's very helpful.
@aclight and xv, thanks guys, I have fixed the documentation.
I'm trying to use svn+ssh. I have created my personal repo in my home directory but I don't understand what the password-db options can do . The login is made with ssh and the password-db is ignored. Which are the login data for access to my svn repository? The ssh login or the svn login (in the password-db file)?
Please fix your daemon options in chapter 2 - in the script -R is for read-only and overrides the config file. Also above that you're using the same options but inverted (which doesn't make any sense:)

Thank you for your help

I think you have a mistake:
you say:

"The subversion server can now be started using the command svnserve -D -r -R /home/user/myrepo/ (this runs on port 631)"

your steps lead to a subversion server that runs on port 3690, the port assigned to subversion by the IANA. Perhaps it is the default on my SuSE box.
On Updated: $Date: 2007-06-03 02:13:49 -0400 (Sun, 03 Jun 2007) you wrote an article about HOWTO: Hosting a Subversion Repository
And discussed "If you need to host a repository that is going to be used by many projects and users and require fine grained access control, you may choose to use apache httpd with ssl to host it. In this case, since the rpms for some required packages may not be available, you may need to compile everything from source."
I'm sure a lot of new technology has emerged since 2007 and hopefully some that can address my requirement.
Our environment is Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4 and the users must encrypt/decrypt Subversion objects using Smartcard X.509 certificate service PKI authentication technology.
Have you or anyone in the community solved the problem, come up with some tools, have a paper on why the ROI doesn't justify the effort?
Any insight would be helpful as my research to date has lead me down dark alleys.

Dick Bloomer
NGC IS/IT Solutions
Sr. Systems Engineer
Cell 631 645-1027
Home 631 588-4894
This svn tutorial helped me a lot, thanks!!!
How to convert
#File: /etc/init.d/apache
. /etc/rc.status
HTTPD = /usr/local/subversion/bin/httpd
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting httpd"
startproc -e $HTTPD
rc_status -v
echo -n "Shutting down httpd"
killproc -TERM httpd
rc_status -v
$0 stop
$0 start
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1

to centos distribution script.
Nice help, thanks, I have created a way to use thirdparty SVN with cPanel hosting, if you are interested see here.

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